Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Layth's 2nd Day of School

I thought it would get easier on his second day especially since Chafeek was accompanying me this time, but it was just as difficult. Layth needed pull ups, and I had completely forgotten to purchase some between now and Monday, so I sent Chafeek out to Walgreens as I got Layth ready for school. As we both pulled up to the parking lot, we each waited for Layth to slide down out of his car seat and out of the car. I thought he would instantly run through the wooden fence and into the school building, but instead he pulled his hand out indicating he wanted me to hold his hand and the other to Chafeek. I nearly cried. And if that was not hard enough, he would not leave Chafeek's side once we got into his classroom. He kept running back to him. Then when Layth was not paying any attention Chafeek slowly left the classroom leaving me to say, " goodbye" to Layth. Luckily, a puzzle caught his attention and I, too was able to leave the classroom. And just as we were making our way to our respective cars, Chafeek says, " I don't know about this". Not knowing how to respond, I tell him, " let's see how it goes on Friday, and if we still feel uncomfortable, we'll stop it." And all throughout breakfast at Cafe Eclectic we kept deliberating whether or not we shall continue with the Montessori program or wait until he's two and send him to the Mother's Day Out Program provided by the local mosque. We came to the resolution we will try it out for this month, three full days a week, and see if Layth is progressing. Soon it was time to pick Layth up, and Chafeek insisted he do it, because he wanted to see Layth. I told him, " that was fine, and I'll meet you at the zoo." As I am driving to the zoo, Chafeek calls me telling me how Layth came running toward him with open arms. I am almost jealous, I didn't get to witness it myself....

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