Wednesday, March 16, 2011

" Pump It Up"

Ever since becoming " Layth's Mom" , I have been invited to the new age Chuck E. Cheese, " Pump It Up," which replaces mechanical toys with inflatable toys, hence why their motto is " the inflatable playground." It's no wonder they are becoming a national hit among moms and children alike. I will have to admit my favorite ride there is the giant inflatable slide. Yes, I am guilty of enjoying the inflatable rides with Layth, since he is still too young to tackle them by himself. A typical toddler, he runs to the ride that most intrigues him, but has to make sure mommy is right behind him to accompany him. I love it too, because I get to enjoy spending time with Layth while releasing some of my child like energy. And what I love most is their designated toddler playtime that does not keep us relying on the next birthday invitation. However,being at my parents' house in Panama city, I must admit to preferring their facility more because it has all the rides enclosed in one large space rather than dividing them into two rooms ( making it easier to keep yours on your toddler). Nonetheless, if you're looking for something to do with your toddler, take them to " Pump it Up"!

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