Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Have you seen the muffin man?

 Hello Everyone,
And for all you moms, can you finish the famous Mother Goose rhyme,  otherwise we can't crown you the title of domestic goddess! But just in case you forgot, I'll finish it up for you: " Do you know the muffin man, the muffin man the muffin man?". Well....do you? Before you answer that question, I decided to do my homework, as any domestic goddess would, and actually found out that dear old Mother Goose was not the genius behind the famous children's rhyme. Instead it comes from English origin used to describe how fresh food use to be delivered door to door in old Victorian times. And that muffins were not your typical cupcake shaped pastries we know them as today, but instead refers to freshly baked bread. I was so intrigued by this historical fact, I just thought I'd share with you other moms, just  in case your child ever asked! Now, can you answer my original question, " Do you know the Muffin Man?" If not, I'll show you his picture instead! Today, he decided to venture into the world of baking and make blueberry muffins. I wish we could have been more creative and post a recipe of how to make them from scratch, but we took the short cut ( yes, I know domestic goddesses all over would be looking down at me in shame) and simply added water and eggs to the pre-packaged mixture. However, that did not prevent us from having fun as we cracked eggs, mixed, licked the whisk upon completion and tasting yummy blueberry muffins!

Taking his mixing quite seriously
He had to lick the whisk insisting, " this sucker is good."
Posing for pictures once he was done


  1. Sureya! Your blog is so creative, and you're an awesome Mom! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks so much Hajar, that means so much coming from you; particularly, since your a writer and a great mom of two!!
