It's Monday, and I'm not looking forward to sending Layth to school. I'm not looking forward to seeing him cry the moment we enter the building, reaching his hands towards me crying " no" or mumbling between his tears " mama, mama", but I know it's just what I have to go through until he gets adjusted; particularly, since he loves kids! This morning as we began to enter the building, Layth did not cry, which made me believe we wouldn't have to go through the whole ordeal of separation. Once we entered the building, we made our way straight into the classroom, and opened the door. The moment the door opened, the tears began. I went to put him down on the rocking horse in the classroom to help alleviate his own anxiety, when he ran straight to Ms. Marie with open arms indicating he wanted to be held. I wanted to cry myself when I saw him running into the arms of Ms. Marie. Immediately, she held him and indicated for me to leave such that it would be easier upon Layth. I opened the back door to see him still sitting in her lap crying when the headmaster came by and told me, " mondays are just hard."
All throughout the car ride I kept thinking to myself, is this intervention really necessary, should I just wait until he's two and send him to Mother's Day Out twice a week, when I remembered how much he has picked up in the few short days that includes his new favorite word, "nooo." Still feeling a little shaken up, I decide to pay some bills online to shake my mind off Layth being in school, when I saw these pictures awaiting in my inbox, making me feel so much better!
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